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Colleges and the Brightest Outlook Occupations Dashboard 2023

We've made data from our 2023 America's Most Prepared Colleges study available so you can benchmark your institution against our dataset.


Here's how it works

  • Use the 'Institution' dropdown highlighted in dark blue to view any combination of institutions based on the ranking of the number of Bright Outlook Occupations offered as well as the number of occupations offered.

  • To adjust the College's Occupational Outlook by Net Price chart and the Bright Occupations and Degrees Awarded by CIP table, use the 'Institution Name' and 'Control' filters

  • Utilize the Count of Bright Outlook and Average Net Price sliders to adjust the College's Occupational Outlook by Net Price chart and the Bright Occupations and Degrees Awarded by CIP table based on these metrics.

All data and visuals were compiled and created by Evolve Market Research. For information on how we may be able to help with analysis of your valuable data, please reach out to

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